Girl Power Alliance

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When I was a child, August was still the middle of the summer. We knew we had another full month of hot summer days and warm summer nights. These days kids go back to school in August. As a parent, we have 18 summers to spend with our kids. If you are a grandparent you are included in this countdown as well. There comes a time when the kids get older and no longer want to spend those weeks with their grandparents, but instead have their own plans. 

This knowledge has always given me such a sense of urgency. I always knew my days were numbered with my kids, and now they are with my grandbaby. As I write this blog, I am sitting on a plane traveling from the southern part of the west coast all the way to New England to spend a few days with her. I cherished every moment with my kids. I worked very hard to create a life where I owned my time. I wanted to compress time. I always prayed that God would exponentially expand my efforts so that anything I did to grow my business would have bigger and better results than I could create with my actions alone. If I had to travel or be away from my family, I always asked God to make those times extraordinarily fruitful, to make the moments lost, worth it. 

I can say with confidence that I have always been willing to work hard, make sacrifices, dream big, and take risks. I have always believed in God more than I believed in myself and my abilities. In my career, I have worked with hundreds of women. God has gifted me with the ability to see more in them than they see in themselves. I see in their eyes all that God created them to be. I see their gifting, I see their capacity, and I see what is available to them even if they don’t. 

It is exactly for this reason that network marketing has my fire lit. This is such a huge part of Girl Power Alliance. We have the privilege of helping women grow. We get to help them see into this vision of the woman they were created to be. We can call it out and nudge them to take steps toward it. We get to pray with and for them. Part of this success formula is helping women build teams and earn money. 

While we know that what we earn does not reflect our value, it is a great way to help build confidence and confirm that we are making progress. Nothing lights an unsure woman up like earning a bonus she wasn’t expecting. You have never seen joy like the joy in a woman’s eyes when she has helped another woman to earn the money to pay off a debt or take the vacation her family desperately needs. 

Yes, it is true, I am still in love with all that this profession and this company has to offer. I will not stop until I am done. There are families right now who have been praying for exactly this. Our job is to make sure everyone we know, knows about us…and tells all the people they know. 

With God’s favor and guidance, we will change the world, one family at a time. 

As you enter into August, look around. How many summers do you have left with your loved ones? How much more time do you think you have to waste? My prayer for you is that you develop the white-hot sense of urgency that I have.

We need not haste in our mission  – to impact the world by helping women dream bigger and build wealth through Kingdom-minded mentoring and leadership. 

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