Girl Power Alliance

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About Us

Girl Power Alliance was founded in 2020

as a lifelong entrepreneur and passionate follower of Jesus,

Michelle Schaffer never found a place she could be fully authentic. In professional circles, professing her faith was discouraged. In circles of ministry, talking business was discouraged. She has always been taught, if you want to be successful in business, then you never talk about politics or religion.

“I wanted to create a community where women like me could truly be authentic. I believed that sharing your faith boldly as an entrepreneur was not a weakness, but a massive strength.” – Michelle Schaffer

The Girl Power Alliance course contributors and Ambassadors share a common thread. While we are not religious, we all love Jesus and want to keep him at the center of everything we do. Having 17+ years of experience and massive success in the network marketing profession, it was not a stretch that Michelle would want to use that experience to bless other women. Our platform is a place where women can grow their skills, their faith, their knowledge, and their income.

“We are changing the narrative. We are doing something new in a way it hasn’t been done before. We are breaking the religious mold and empowering women to stand in their true God-given identity.” Michelle and her talented team – Farras Seay, Molly Trotter-Gomez, Savanna Schaffer, Paige Williams and Jill Taylor – are all passionate about empowering women to become all that God created them to be. Girl Power Alliance is committed to keeping Christ at the center of everything they do, and pioneering the vision of creating financial sovereignty for more women around the world.


Michelle Schaffer has had an extensive 17+ year career in the network marketing profession.  She has held corporate roles and has built massive sales teams. She is a multi-million dollar earner, generating  almost 100 million in sales She is a biblical leadership expert. Creator of Radiant Leadership Academy 2-time Published Author Podcast Host

Meet the Team

Molly Trotter-Gomez

Director of Field Development

Farras Seay

Director of Marketing & Communications

Savanna Schaffer

Event Coordinator & CEO Executive Assistant

Paige WIlliams

Content Specialist

Jill Taylor

Director of Merchandise