Girl Power Alliance

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Girl Power Alliance

Your place for personal, professional & leadership development!

Change Yourself Change the World

At Girl Power Alliance, we believe in building and investing in people. We know that personal and professional growth unlocks the life of your dreams. Girl Power Alliance is the leading community for personal and professional growth, with the added benefit of earning an income. 

We are passionate about empowering women to live lives of freedom and impact. Whether you’re a mom, wife, small business owner, professional, or in ministry, growth is essential.

By joining the movement, you’ll gain access to world-class coaching & mentoring, a vast library of training materials, prestigious certifications, and self-paced modules, all designed to help you become your best self.

Join us in this movement to achieve your goals and make a meaningful impact on the world.

our mission

To ignite a movement of impact and freedom through mentorship and the development of leaders across the globe.

our vision

Creating more debt-free and financially free Christian families around the world opening the door to massive contribution and impact.

Want to take a look inside?

We’re so confident in the value our mentorship programs that we’re inviting you to experience it firsthand. Enjoy a FREE 24-hour sneak peek into a select portion of our resources, designed to get you even more excited about saying YES to this life-changing opportunity.

Dive in and see for yourself what makes our community so special!

Proof of Impact

Radiant Leadership Academy literally just helped heal 32 years of trauma and abuse around my self-worth. So worth it.
Lemon P.
I learned from the kingdom finance course that a bad habit will last 4 generations . So if we are in debt we and don't change we will carry this on for 4 generations to come with our children and their children...which is making me really take action and change this bad habit.
Ginny V.
I came because I was dying without community. So much more great goodness that I wasn't expecting
Becky J.
GPA turned my dreamer back on. I am looking forward to co-creating wth God to see what till happen next. I am working on something special right now as we speak!
Nikki A.
People at my work have commented on my changes. My manager gave me kuddos on my evaluation recently for leadership and I got a nice bonus. I was amazed!
Lisa C.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for this community it has literally saved my life!
Sharon P.
I joined for the community first! I was so burned out and isolated. Being in a place I could get filled and healed first has been a huge catalyst for the massive growth and transformation I've had. Now I know my capacity is going to keep growing as I step into the more God has called me to.
Jessica L.

Our global vision is FINANCIAL FREEDOM

Our vision is clear. We are taking a stand for you, for your family, for your faith, and for your finances

there is no competition in the kingdom.

Become an Ambassador Today!

In a world where we have been taught to compete, we collaborate and align with other women to leverage the power of a team to grow our wealth and break off generations of poverty.

Join our Ambassador Team and begin getting paid to impact lives.

More Ways to Connect

Faith-based, Christian entrepreneur, Women of faith, Biblical principles, Christian businesswoman, Kingdom-minded, Gospel-centered, Spiritual growth, Christian leadership, Godly values, Christian faith, Christian influence, Christian empowerment, Christian community, Biblical stewardship, MLM (multi-level marketing), Network marketing company, Direct sales, Home-based business, Network marketing opportunity, Work from home, Residual income, Independent distributor, Network marketing success, MLM business model, Network marketing training, Team building, Network marketing products, Network marketing industry, MLM compensation plan, side hustle, Kingdom Alliance, The Kingdom Alliance, Our Kingdom Alliance, Real Men Alliance, Alliance

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