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Summer and celebration are in the air for me this month. All my life I have feared getting old. Society seems to favor youth in so many ways while disregarding people the older they get. If I am being honest, I probably did too. When we are young, we think we have it all together and no one could possibly tell us anything that would persuade our choices. This month I turn 50, half a century, officially mid-life. It feels like a monumental birthday. I don’t feel sad, or old. I feel invigorated, healthy, passionate, and filled with purpose! As I exercised this morning in my hotel room, I was repeating these words to myself, “I feel better at 50 than I did at 20. I am not done. I am just beginning. I thank you God for my body.” As I write this, I am traveling for the Be The Change Tour on the east coast of the U.S. and Canada.

Your life will be exactly what you think it will be. When you partner with God and go ALL IN, it will be filled with adventure and many moments that will grow your faith. When you listen to and answer the call of God, you will take many bold and scary steps. Things will most definitely NOT always go as planned, but if you surrender to the process and keep going, God will do mighty transformative things in your life and in the lives of those around you. 

What do I want for my jubilee celebration?

The white-hot burning desire of my heart is that more lives are impacted, more women discover and stand in their true identity, more leaders arise for the kingdom and more families are set free in all ways, especially financially. And… I’d love to have all my children, their spouses, and my grandbaby to eat cake together with me. And lastly, it would bless me GREATLY, if during the month of June, you were the catalyst for a random act of kindness and generosity to a stranger. Let’s spread joy and love this month, and if you do… Please tag me in your post!

We get one life. You have one life. We have no guarantee that we will have another year, another month or even another day. I want to live this one life as fully present as I can. I want to love people hard. I want to go after things with all that I have. I want to risk being hurt for the sake of love. I want to lavish outrageous grace on as many people as I can. I want to earn as much money as I can so I can be ridiculously generous every single day. 

I will be celebrating YOU for my birthday. I will be praying for you, your family, your health, and your business. I love you deeply, and I won’t stop giving you everything I’ve got for as long as God will allow me too. Xoxo

What’s coming up in June: What aren’t you here yet?!

This is your last chance to secure the incredible early bird pricing for our upcoming event. Starting July 1st, the regular price of $279.99 will take effect. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to save! Grab your Ticket Now!

This event is a game-changer for your life and business, guaranteed to make a significant impact. Imagine the positive shift and growth you’ll experience by attending. We’ve curated a program filled with worship, valuable business training, personal development, and unforgettable celebrations.

Join us for 2.5 days of inspiration and transformation in the stunning city of San Diego. You’ll be surrounded by a community of like-minded women, your GPA sisters, all eager to support and uplift each other. It’s the perfect setting for meaningful connections and lifelong friendships.

Seize this chance to be a part of the most transformative event of the year. Tickets are selling fast, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. Act now and secure your spot before it’s too late. Don’t let the lower price slip away!

Don’t hesitate, take action today and invest in yourself and your future. Trust us, this is an opportunity you won’t want to miss. Join us in San Diego and let’s make magic happen together!

What would an extra $1000 do you for right now?

Picture this: an extra $1000. It may seem like just a number, but let me paint a captivating picture of what this additional income could do for you right now.

Imagine the freedom it brings. No more tight budgets, no more sacrificing your dreams and desires. With an extra $1000, you have the power to transform your life. You can finally take that leap you’ve been dreaming of, whether it’s starting your own business, pursuing further education or investing in your passions.

Embrace the empowerment that comes with financial stability. With this additional income, you become the master of your own destiny. No longer will you have to rely solely on others for your financial well-being. Instead, you can take control, make your own decisions, and create a future that is uniquely yours.

We can show you how! Make the most of our Double Instant Enrollment Bonus when you become an Ambassador today! Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity to supercharge your income for the summer! This incredible opportunity will be ending this month! 

Become a GPA Ambassador Today or schedule a call to learn more now! Email us:

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