Girl Power Alliance

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Everything about the holidays is magical to me. I love the change of seasons, the beautiful fall colors and the smell in the air. I love the change in the lighting as the sun’s placement changes. I love the chill in the evening air and the fact that I can wear sweaters and jackets. I love to think about our holiday gatherings and what foods I will make. I love to cook and I love to give gifts. I wish more people would give homemade or handmade gifts. I think we get too caught up in just buying something and not really giving something. 

In the spirit of giving, we have some fun things in store for you later on in the month. Stay tuned around mid-month for some good things you won’t want to miss. 

Even though it has been almost a month, I am still downloading moments and memories from Activate 2023. I don’t really have the words to express all that transpired. It felt like an entire week, and it felt like 30 minutes all at the same time. This event was life-changing for me in so many ways. From the breakthroughs that were had, to the impromptu pool baptisms, to the incredible speakers, the hugs from people I’d never met in person before, to the presence of God that was with us for every minute. Yes, we are already preparing for next year’s event, and yes, you need to be there with us! 

In the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving this month. A heart filled with gratitude cannot have a bad attitude. I have a long list of things I am grateful for this year. I want you to know how truly grateful I am for you. If you are reading this, yes I do mean you. I am grateful for all of the obstacles I have faced in the past, that gave me strength in areas I needed for today. I am thankful for every difficult conversation I ever had, because they gave me compassion and tools to face the challenges I face today. I am thankful for every path I went down that ended up a dead end, because they were all directing me to where I am today. I am thankful for every blow that knocked me down, because today I remain on my knees submitted to God. 

One very big thing I am grateful for… the death that had to occur in my life to bring me here. God allowed me to be hidden for a long time; he allowed ME to die to myself. He allowed me to die to my desires. He allowed me to shed off all of the things I thought I needed and wanted in preparation for where I am today. Honestly before GPA my life was good; it was comfortable. I was reaping the rewards from the hard work we had done. And honestly, I loved it. I was proud of what we had built. But it became my identity. I didn’t know who I would be without it. I didn’t know if I could ever impact lives or create an income or build anything significant ever again. Why would I even try? I had everything I wanted in front of me. 

But God asked me to give it all up. He asked me to trust him, to lay everything I knew down. He asked me if I would set off on a new road that had never been walked before and do something that had never been done before. Reluctantly I agreed. What he has done in my life since that day, I can only say… miraculous! I am not the same person I was. There is so much freedom in letting go of everything you thought you knew and trusting God. Oh it is scary, don’t get me wrong; really scary actually. But wow, it is worth a hundred times over. God speaks to me all day, all the time. I no longer need to set apart a specific time to meet with him. It is wonderful when I can, but not necessary. He is with me all day, in every moment partnering with me and every word and decision. 

So many are called. So few respond. Yes we sell memberships here. That’s the business. But it is about so much more! We are inviting people into something new, with people who are calling you to become your most high level self, your most Christ-like self. We are inviting people to take radical responsibility for their lives, for their finances and for their leadership. We are inviting people to be the change they want to see in others. We are inviting people to step up and step out, and show others how walking with God in a crazy world can be the most amazing decision you’ll ever make. And we are just getting started! 

I am SO grateful for GPA, what we do, where we are going and the people that are here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

Xox Michelle  

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