Girl Power Alliance

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Here in the United States, July is the month we celebrate freedom. July 4th is the day a nation was born, with ideals and principles that still inspire people worldwide. A nation that loved God. 

This idea of freedom was not their idea. It was a God idea. It is the reason he sent his son Jesus. It was the purpose of his life and death on the cross.  

Galatians 5:1 says  – 

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

This is an incredible revelation, to have freedom from the religious laws that kept people so burdened. Freedom from our sins, our mistakes and all of the things he has done that have not been honoring to God. Freedom to live, love and be loved by God. Freedom to be seen, known and loved as a perfect child that belongs to him. It is more than my mind can grasp most of the time. 

Everything we accomplish in this life is something we have to earn, something we have to work so hard for. This is why we call the gospel the GOOD NEWS. No other religion on the planet gives a mandate like the one Jesus gave. You cannot earn the love of God, and you cannot earn your way into his favor. You cannot earn salvation. There has never been any better, more hopeful news or knowledge, and there never will be!  We passionately proclaim this incredible truth to as many as we can, as long as we live. 

Freedom is one of our core values here at GPA, and it is a very important value to me personally. I know part of my calling while here on earth, is to help more people walk in freedom. I am so blessed; I walk in total freedom! I want to help break chains for others to be able to live as Jesus said: 

I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.

John 10:10

I am passionate about helping others break off the lies of religious bondage and walk in freedom. I want to help people live free in their bodies, in their minds, in their relationships, and…

I want to help more people live financially free. This is about stewardship of resources, money, talent, and time. I don’t believe it is enough just to earn enough money to pay the bills. I want to help more people create a life with an abundance of resources and time. 

This is a huge part of how God wired me. And why he chose me to birth the GPA movement. I will not stop working to provide an amazing product which includes our GPA membership and all that comes with it, our resources to help our Ambassadors share that and build their virtual franchise, and to provide a rich and prosperous compensation structure to pay people what they deserve. 

You are officially invited to celebrate FREEDOM with us this month. My hope is that it won’t stop at the celebrating part, but that it will ignite something inside of you. Let’s take the words of Jesus to heart. Let’s live our lives FULL OUT. Let’s leave no words unsaid. Let’s let no opportunity pass us by. Let’s say yes to more adventures. Let’s give this one life all that we’ve got for as long as we are here. 

I know I will! 



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