Girl Power Alliance

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The year is officially half gone. How does that make you feel? Have you done anything you’d planned to do by now? Have you had some unexpected circumstances slow or even stop you from being able to accomplish all you had hoped? Have you been stuck in procrastination?

If you don’t like your answers to those questions, then I have one more question for you…


That is the only answer that matters. We have no control over what will happen. Natural disasters, personal crises, work-related problems, the economy, the news, and so many other things that happen every day can slow us down. If you allow them to, the world will stop you. So…


Every day can be a NEW start. Every day, you can get a little closer. Every day, you can be your own biggest inspiration. Sounds easy, doesn’t it!? We all know it isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would already be doing it. However, is there something happening right now in your life that is already hard? 

Being broke is hard.

Being exhausted all the time is hard. 

Being uninspired is hard. 

Working tons of hours is hard. 

Being suffocated by debt is hard. 

If life is already filled with things that feel hard, you might as well do hard things that you know will lead to great things. 

You were born for impact, both to have an impact and to be impacted. That is one of our favorite things about this community—THE IMPACT! We have so many Proof of Impact stories pouring in week after week! It keeps us going, inspires us, gives us hope, and changes who we are as people. 

Take a stand and make yourself a promise that the second half of 2024 is going to be better than the first half. Join us in creating MORE proof of impact stories! 

We have a FUN  month ahead! July is DOUBLE Bonus month! All month long, ALL Ambassadors can earn DOUBLE on every enrollment. That means every Instant Enrollment Bonus is a Double Bonus all month long! How exciting is that! This is our way of helping you to do the hard things that will lead to great things! 

Let’s all commit to doing hard things that usher in great things!


Michelle & Bobby Schaffer

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