Girl Power Alliance

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There is just something about the warmer weather, the birds chirping and the trees getting filled with leaves that energizes me. With every season change, I see and feel God’s craftsmanship and design. May brings with it the end of a school year, graduations, and a lot of transition. 

For families, it can be the beginning of summer break, vacations, and a total change of schedule. 

When I see young families I am always reminded that, if we are lucky, we get 18 summers with our kids. These are times to cherish, yet so many of those summers for me were filled with stress. 

During my years as a single mom, I worked every day all summer. I never got to just make memories with my kids. I was always worrying about how to care for them, and who they would be with while I worked. Luckily, my dad would take my kids with him and his wife to the lake or the river to enjoy fun summer days on the water in their boat. I was also blessed to have grandparents who would take them for weeks at a time. Those are cherished memories for my kids, who are now adults. 

Once I found network marketing, all of that changed. I had found a way to make a living and have a life; and not just any life, but the life I wanted to create. Now that Bobby and I are empty nesters, I am even more passionate than I once was. I am on the other side of it. Those 18 special summers are gone for us now. I don’t want other families to miss out. I don’t believe God desires for us to get married, have children, and miss the bulk of their lives because we have to be somewhere else all day long and work SO HARD to make a living. 

This is part of why we have felt the call to make a change to our mission statement. There is a burden on our hearts to help more people. Our call is multi-faceted. We know that growth aligned with the truth of God’s word will radically transform lives. We know that our calling is to help people step boldly into their God-given identity and become who God designed them to be. We know that our calling is to help set people free from the burden of debt. We know that our calling is to help more Believers have more financial resources to do more for the Kingdom. We know that finances alone won’t solve the problem of poverty, but we also know that the problem cannot be solved without it. We are passionate about the discipleship we provide here. We are proud of the mission we are on. 

Our mission is to create more debt free and financially free Christian households than any other company in the world. 

We need YOU! This is a big mission and big vision, so we need more bold Believers to rise up and help us make this vision a reality. Imagine what an army of Christ followers around the world could do if they were free from worrying about making ends meet, and had more than enough resources to impact the world! Well, we can imagine it, and it is POWERFUL!

It has never been more important than it is right now! 

Over the next several months  you are going to see this company evolve. We know that opening up resources to men was a major puzzle piece that was needed here. As a result, we are upleveling and evolving the main company branding. Stay tuned and to see how we grow. We have A LOT of amazing things being added this year to our resource tool box. 

Joyfully our buckets are full, and we cannot wait to share it all with you! 


Michelle & Bobby Schaffer

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