Girl Power Alliance

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March 16th will mark the official one-year anniversary of GPA launching our network marketing opportunity. In the last 12 months, we have forged new paths. We call ourselves PIONEERS.

Merriam-Websters dictionary defines pioneer like this:

: a person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or a new method or technical development

: one of the first to settle in a territory

: a plant or animal capable of establishing itself in a bare, barren, or open area and initiating an ecological cycle

This perfectly describes what we are doing. We are taking ground, originating ideas and strategies, and planting in a barren land. Girl Power Alliance is pioneering NEW THINGS; our Ambassadors are helping us do it. 

In the last 12 months, we have:

Opened in 9 countries

Paid Commissions every single week

Certified 100 Women as Radiant Leaders

We officially accredited RLA through the International Coaching Federation 

Hosted our first annual convention – Activate

Launched the first-ever Coaching certification within a network marketing company

Every single day has been a journey of faith. We are proud to partner with God to redefine the  profession of network marketing. What we are doing matters. We have seen marriages restored, chains fall off, finances shifted, generational curses broken off and radical transformations happen. 

You might be wondering what has been the catalyst for all of this. 

Growth! When you make the decision to be better, to do better, to become better, life changes. But…. when that growth has a foundation of faith … the growth is exponential and holistic. There is no part of your life left untouched.

Can you imagine offering this gift to someone? The power behind this movement stems from the lives that have changed so dramatically. They cannot keep their mouths shut. These women want to share it with others, knowing that a better life is waiting for them.

With our pre-launch anniversary comes a few BIG upgrades.

We have launched an all-new website. You can be proud to share it with others. 

The membership has made a giant leap. Ease of use, simplicity and added tech and so much more has been added to make your membership even more robust. 

We announced a change in the Basic member pricing. The new pricing is $149.99 to start and remains $79.99 per month. This change means that the Instant Enrollment Bonus for the Basic Membership was raised from $10 to $40 for every Basic Member enrollment. For brand-new Ambassadors, the IEB for Basic Members will be $80. These additions will make it even easier to earn back your investment.

We continue to work hard to bring you the best content, collaborators, and mentors to learn from. 

In March we launch the Radiant Speaker Academy. This will be an exciting addition to our Certification Programs. We are creating a platform for faith-based leaders and speakers to get their message out. The days of TED™  being the most powerful accolade for speakers are coming to an end. Introducing  KIM10™ – Kingdom Impact in 10 Minutes students of RSA will learn the framework to have more impact with less words and turn their time on any stage into a transformational experience. Get certified and improve your chances to speak in 2024 at our live KIM10 event. 

The GPA VIPs are in store for a big treat this month. The March Leadership Mastermind guest speaker is Shawn Bolz. He has made a profound impact in the Kingdom with his best-selling books, prophetic words, and influence. Mark your calendar for March 8th and join us live. 

Become a VIP Member/Ambassador Today

2024 is sure to bring massive growth. As our family of Ambassadors and Members continues to  grow around the globe, the revival fires are burning hot. Lives will be impacted, families will be set free and finances will be flowing.